The smooth running of the Alumni Association will be ensured through an Alumni Council which will have 4 elected office bearers and a tenure of 1 year.
To develop a strong alumni community that will effectively contribute to the strategic objectives of the university.

About AGU Alumni
Value Proposition ( What is in it for me?)
Why should you become a member of the Alumni Association? Besides being a free membership this will entitle you to a number of benefits. While you will get free access to many of the University facilities like library , gym etc You will also get discounts on many of our product offerings. Once you register as member of the association you will an AGU VALUE CARD from the CAPPS office.
To facilitate and foster a lifelong relationship between the AGU alumni and their alma mater.
- To support AGU graduates by providing them with a vehicle to forge and maintain lifelong relationships with each other and with AGU;
- To promote in partnership a positive image of the university and its alumni through communication, service and leadership;
- To promote the alumni as ambassadors of the university and as active partners in the vision of the university;
- To enhance relations of the university with business, industry, government and private sectors bridged by AGU alumni;
General Assembly
The membership of the Alumni Council shall consist of the general assembly. All students who have graduated from the university shall be eligible to become member of the general assembly.
Alumni Council Composition
The Alumni Council shall be represented by various constituencies of the general assembly. The Council shall compose of four (4) executive office bearers and a number of executive members Four executive office bearers shall be the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. These representatives shall be elected through general election and the candidate receiving highest number of votes shall be declared winner for the office for which he/ she contested.
Electing the Alumni Council
The election for the office bearers of the Alumni Council shall be held every year in the beginning of the fall semester. The members of the general assembly shall meet and elect four executive office bearers (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer). The remaining members of the Council shall be nominated by the executive office bearers amongst the members of the general assembly. Each office bearer may nominate a maximum of two (2) members as executive office bearers to the Alumni Council. However, they must ensure that the Council has a representation of students from each academic program of the university and has a good balance of gender and nationality.
The Alumni Council shall hold a minimum of two (2) meetings per semester throughout during the tenure of Council’s term. The Council Secretary shall communicate the agenda, date and time of each meeting to all members of the Alumni Council at least one week before the date of meeting. The Council Secretary shall prepare the minutes of each meeting and forward a copy to Head-CAPPS who in turn shall keep the University apprised of the developments. The meetings shall be overseen by at least one member of the University Alumni Committee. The tenure of the Council shall be one academic year from the date of the first meeting that will be held within one month of the formation of the Alumni Council.