General Information
The University has a well sourced Library having a wide variety of educational and research material for the benefit of all faculty, staff and students.
Library being the key provider of quality information and related services, directly contribute to the drive for quality learning and excellence supporting the mission of the University.
Al Ghurair University library holdings comprise of books, periodicals, audio/video/ CD/DVD collection and databases for e-books, e-journal articles and e-reference works.
The Library has spacious reading room, group study rooms, computer section with internet access, wireless access, photocopying and printing facilities.
The Library provides orientation programs, course related information literacy and research support to students.

Coats, jackets, briefcases, handbags, baggage, etc. should be left on the storage facilities provided at the entrance of the library.
2.1 Silence must be observed strictly in the LIBRARY.
Group discussions are not allowed in the reading room. Boys and girls shall occupy the group study rooms for any discussion.
2.2 All persons who use the library shall identify themselves on request to any member of the academic or library staff.
2.3 Smoking, eating and drinking is strictly forbidden inside the library.
2.4 Mobile phones or personal stereos should not be used in the library.
2.5 Any person leaving the library shall, if called upon to do so by the librarian, present for inspection all books and property being carried out from the library.
2.6 The university accepts no responsibility for any personal property brought into the library.
2.7 No person shall reserve a working place in the library by leaving library material or personal property on a reading table. The library staff is not responsible for loss of such personal property.
2.8 The librarian may require any person guilty of disorderly or inconsiderate conduct or of any breach of these rules to leave the library immediately. The library committee, based upon the complaints filed by the librarian, may withdraw library privileges from that person for such period as considered fit.
2.9 No unauthorized person shall enter or be in the library for any purpose. Outside students are not permitted to use the library unless there is a written permission from the Chairman of the library committee.
3.1 No person shall deliberately or carelessly mutilate, deface or place any library material or piece of library equipment. Any person responsible for the deliberate or careless mutilation or defacement or misplacing of library material, furniture or equipment may be required to pay the full cost of replacement of any article defaced, mutilated or lost in addition to any fine or other disciplinary measure imposed.
3.2 Material consulted in the library should be left on the tables and not replaced on the shelves.
4.1 Users shall not damage or tamper with the computing equipment, its systems, programs or other stored information.
4.2 A user shall not use the computing facilities for purposes other than academic pursuit.
4.3 The use of facilities for the display, storage or transmission of offensive, obscene or defamatory or illegal materials is strictly forbidden and violation of this will attract disrupted action.
4.4. A user shall not breach the privacy of any information held by the university in its computing facilities.
4.5. Copying of the software loaded in the library computers is not allowed.
AGU Library provides a variety of services to meet the needs of the users.
Circulation services:
The faculty, staff and the students of Al Ghurair University are eligible to borrow books and other materials from the library.
Reference service:
Ready reference service is available to all users with queries answered, and research assistance provided.
Reprographic service:
Reprographic services are extended to students with photocopying and printing facilities. Use of valid ID card is mandatory.
Inter-library loan service:
Inter-Library loan service is provided for a wider access of information.
Computer and internet access service:
Library provides modern computer facilities with access to internet. Wireless access is also available.
Database search:
Access to electronic version of books, journal articles, reference tools is provided through various databases.
OPAC- Online Public Access Catalog service:
Library offers Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) service for all students and faculty from within and outside AGU campus.
Group Study and discussion:
Group study rooms are provided for users to discuss during study.
Library Orientation:
The purpose of the orientation program is to introduce new students to the library resources and services.
At the beginning of each semester of the academic year, AGU conducts orientation sessions for new students. Orientation program is mandatory for all newly registered students. Library orientation session covers the following topics:
1. Library policies
2. Library services
3. Circulation procedures
4. Online Catalog
5. Library resources
The Library is open from
9.00 AM to 9.00 PM Sunday through Thursday.
Friday– CLOSED
Saturday – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
The Library is closed on all UAE national holidays and official university holidays.
Contact The Library:
Circulation desk: +9714-4200223 ext. 273