Library Services
AGU Library provides variety of services to meet the needs of the users.
Reference service:
Ready reference service is available to all users with queries answered, and research assistance provided.
Reprographic service:
Reprographic services are extended to students with photocopying and printing facilities. Use of valid ID card is mandatory.
Inter-library loan service:
Inter-Library loan service is provided for a wider access of information.
Computer and internet access service:
Library provides modern computer facilities with access to internet. Wireless access is also available.
Borrowing facility:
The faculty, staff and the students of Al Ghurair University are eligible to borrow books and other materials from the library.
Database search:
- Access to electronic version of books, journal articles, reference tools is provided through various databases.
- ACM digital Library
- Computers and Applied Sciences Complete
- Business Source Premier
- Ebrary
- Access Science- McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
OPAC- Online Public Access Catalog service:
Library offers Online catalogue service (OPAC) for all students and faculty from within and outside AGU campus.
Orientation program is organized for the new students and staff to familiarize with the library department, its functions, services and resources.
Group Study and discussion:
Group study rooms are provided for users to discuss during study.
The purpose of the orientation program is to introduce new students to the library resources and services.
At the beginning of each semester of the academic year, AGU conducts orientation sessions for new students. Orientation program is mandatory for all newly registered students. Library orientation session covers the following topics:
- Library policies
- Library services
- Circulation procedures
- Online Catalog
- Library resources